Stage 1: New Business Idea
Describe your new business idea as a story, then test to see if your idea really is gold.
Describe your new business idea as a story that inspires others, now and in the future.
Clarify your business idea.
Test your business idea on others.
Review your idea, then either:
Continue as it is.
Refine it.
Find another idea.
A compelling new business vision you can hold as your guiding light, and share to enthuse and motivate others as you develop your startup.
Describe Your New Business Idea
Describe your business idea in a way that inspires. This will be essential if you want the support of others, especially funding providers.
Tell your idea as a story:
Describe a clear vision of the future.
Inspire other people.
Refine your thinking.
Be a guiding vision for you.
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Test Your Business Idea
Review Feedback
Collate the feedback on your business idea, and how you tell the story of your vision.
List the good, the bad and the indifferent.
What does their feedback tell you?
Rework Your Vision, If Needed
From the feedback you've received, is there anything you can do to improve your business vision, or your business idea?
Refine your idea, vision, and story.
If your changes are major, go back and test your story again.
Is Your New Business Idea Golden?
Make a conscious decision about your business idea and story.
If your idea hasn't been well received by your audience, decide if the story is badly told, or if your business idea is just not strong enough to invest time and money in.
Quitting now leaves you ample energy to try something else.
If you choose to commit, go to Business Plan, the next Framework stage, where you design your business based on your vision.